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2040: cash will be banned and tourists will be moonwalking

MoneyWeek celebrates its 20th anniversary on 6th November with issue number 1024 and marks the occasion by asking its readers to predict the future.

2040: cash will be banned and tourists will be moonwalking
Merryn Somerset Webb: “We thought we would ask our readers to help us take a stab at predicting the future.”

The Dennis Publishing title asked its readers to look into the future and predict what the financial landscape might look like 20 years from now. 

Through the magazine, and via its social media accounts on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, MoneyWeek asked its readers to vote on five questions about the next two decades: 

  • By 2040, will gold have reached $10,000 an ounce? 
  • Will a tourist have set foot on the moon?
  • Will any country in the world have banned cash? 
  • Will Amazon still be one of the world’s ten most valuable companies?
  • Will any government have successfully introduced a universal basic income?

A majority of readers voted “yes” to all of the questions. However, by far the most confident prediction was that cash’s days are numbered – a full 75% of readers believe that cash will be banned in at least one country within the next 20 years. 

Meanwhile, there was something of a demographic split on lunar tourism – almost three quarters of those who voted via Instagram were convinced that a tourist would have landed on the moon by 2040, whereas “no” voters were in the majority on LinkedIn and Twitter.  

The full results will be released in the anniversary issue on 6th November, alongside features from some of MoneyWeek’s top contributors on the best funds to invest in for the next 20 years; the biggest geopolitical trends in the years ahead (looking far beyond this week’s US election); and what a dramatic shift in the biggest investment trend of the last 35 years – disinflation – could mean for your money. 

Merryn Somerset Webb, editor-in-chief, has also interviewed one of Britain’s best-known investors and long time friend of MoneyWeek, Jim Mellon, in a special video that will be released online alongside the magazine.   

Merryn Somerset Webb, editor-in-chief, MoneyWeek said: “The last 20 years have been quite a ride for MoneyWeek and its readers. The Dotcom bubble, the great financial crisis, the 35 year bond bull market, the new tech boom and now the financial dislocation caused by Covid policy… we’ve commented on – and invested through – the lot. We hope we’ve helped our subscribers to do the same. But just because the last 20 years have been unusually eventful doesn’t mean the next 20 will be quiet. So we thought we would ask our readers to help us take a stab at predicting the future. They haven’t disappointed as you will see in our anniversary issue out on November 6th.”  

Kerin O’Connor, CEO Finance & Current Affairs portfolio, Dennis said: “The twentieth anniversary of MoneyWeek shows the enduring appeal of respected and trusted brands. During these particularly uncertain times readers continue to turn to MoneyWeek’s impartial experts to help them navigate the financial world. I’m excited for the magazine and its digital products’ future.” 

The 20th anniversary of MoneyWeek will be on newsstands this Friday 6th November priced at £4.50.