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Product/publishing management

5 minutes with… Alastair Lewis

5 minutes with… Alastair Lewis

Ahead of the 2024 FIPP World Media Congress, we grab five minutes with FIPP MD Alastair Lewis to get his thoughts on the outlook for magazine media.

By Alastair Lewis  |  16/05/2024

Publishing strategy: 5 minutes with… Joanna Levesque

Publishing strategy: 5 minutes with… Joanna Levesque

In a rapidly changing world, it’s important to think strategically about your audiences and what you offer them. We ask FT Strategies’ Joanna Levesque for her thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing publishers.

By Joanna Levesque  |  18/04/2024

Future-proof your business

Future-proof your business

No matter what you do or which sector you’re in, change is constant and will only continue. The winners will be the businesses with the mindset to embrace transformation, says Jessica Norell Neeson.

By Jessica Norell Neeson  |  05/04/2024

My To-Do List: Reneé Doegar
My To-Do List

My To-Do List: Reneé Doegar

To-do lists are the beating heart of the publishing industry, indeed probably of every industry. What’s on the list and how quickly you can tick them off, to a large extent determines your future success. Reneé Doegar tell us what’s on her list.

By Reneé Doegar  |  05/04/2024

Conquering the world, postcode by postcode

Conquering the world, postcode by postcode

Plenty have tried, but few have succeeded in cracking the local magazine market. Alan Geere looks at the success of Round & About, now celebrating 30 years of publication.

By Alan Geere  |  05/04/2024

Riches in niches

Riches in niches

Rory Brown has enjoyed great success in business media. Having last year sold AgriBriefing and now following new paths in the B2B space, he takes some time out to tell us what he has learned on his journey so far…

By Rory Brown  |  05/04/2024

Scorecarding the Business

Scorecarding the Business

How does your business measure up against the key metrics?, asks Jim Bilton. If you’re not sure, then how do you know which direction to go in?

By Jim Bilton  |  05/04/2024

5 minutes with… Karen and Jonathon

5 minutes with… Karen and Jonathon

This year’s co-chairs of the AOP’s Digital Publishing Awards, The Telegraph’s Karen Eccles and Arc’s Jonathon Whiteley, answer our questions about digital trends and the upcoming awards.

By Karen Eccles and Jonathon Whiteley  |  29/02/2024

5 things for management to master in 2024

5 things for management to master in 2024

Will 2024 be a successful year for you? If you follow Jim Bilton’s advice, it could well be…

By Jim Bilton  |  28/02/2024

Why AI?

Why AI?

AI is front of mind across most industries and publishing is no exception, writes Full Fat Things’ Vicky Macey.

By Vicky Macey  |  28/02/2024

Opportunities and Threats: Academic Media

Opportunities and Threats: Academic Media

What’s the outlook for academic media? Antonia Seymour, chief executive at IOP Publishing, looks forward.

By Antonia Seymour  |  28/02/2024

Opportunities & Threats: Customer Media

Opportunities & Threats: Customer Media

What does the future hold for customer media? CPL One’s Sarah Simpson, looks ahead.

By Sarah Simpson  |  28/02/2024

Opportunities & Threats: B2B Media

Opportunities & Threats: B2B Media

What’s the outlook for B2B media? Amanda Barnes, chief executive of Faversham House, looks to the future.

By Amanda Barnes  |  28/02/2024

Opportunities & Threats: Consumer Media

Opportunities & Threats: Consumer Media

What’s the outlook for consumer media? Jon Bickley, co-founder and CEO of Anthem, looks ahead.

By Jon Bickley  |  28/02/2024

Opportunities & Threats: Regional News Media

Opportunities & Threats: Regional News Media

What does 2024 hold for the regional press? Katie French, regional group editor for Newsquest Berkshire & Buckinghamshire, looks ahead.

By Katie French  |  28/02/2024

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