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78 insights from Specialist Media Show

The inaugural Specialist Media Show was held on Tuesday at the Exec Peterborough. Carolyn Morgan presents 78 tweet-size insights gleaned from the day.

By Carolyn Morgan

1: Event organisers must be choreographers and entertainers - Trevor Foley 2: Visitors give exhibitors permission to talk to them - Trevor Foley 3: Marketing week live got 10k new names from their show - Trevor Foley 4: Create enthusiasts who will spread the word - Trevor Foley5: Telepresence helped Turret launch World energy summit and sold to Reed - Trevor Foley 6: Holy grail of conferences combine fear (delegates) and greed (sponsors) - Claire Jenkinson 7: Price confidently if content and networking are strong - Claire Jenkinson 8: Keep asking the audience - would they recommend? - Claire Jenkinson 9: Homebuilding show has outgrown the mag and driven its subs - Peter Harris 10: Time out live sellls tickets through web site and email - Mark Elliott 11: Econsultancy has 100k reg users; 95% free - @cragster Craig Hanna 12: @econsultancy used to look for one cash pile, now have multiple revenue streams - @cragster Craig Hanna 13: @econsultancy links on blog articles can drive £17k subs revenue - @cragster Craig Hanna 14: @econsultancy be an agile publisher - new event in 8 weeks @cragster Craig Hanna 15: Users drive the ideas @econsultancy - twitter feed is NPD - @cragster Craig Hanna 16: Use to find out where your audience are online @louisecwhite 17: Publishers should use social media to find the influencers in their markets - @louisecwhite 18: Yr email recipient should think: "how nice of them to think of me" Drayton Bird quoted by @skemmo Steve Kemish 19: Email like speed dating, don't propose too soon @skemmo Steve Kemish 20: Don't ask for too much data at first; add it later - @skemmo Steve Kemish 21: Use click activity to segment your emails @skemmo Steve Kemish 22: Use analytics to see how many mobile users you have - @skemmo Steve Kemish 23: Test different subject lines for the same content @skemmo Steve Kemish 24: Spectator sold 2000 iphone apps and print subs up by 600 - Toby Morris 25: Circle charge same price for digital BSAC subs as print - 5k out of 30k have converted - @graemegourlay 26: Ad clients like the global digital editions of Dive; want to stay with the brand @graemegourlay 27: Host ad supplements as digital editions on own site - boosts traffic @graemegourlay 28: Design digital magazines as landscape and don't make readers zoom - @flipping_pages Peter Houston 29: Guitar mag uses audio clips on digital magazine - @flipping_pages Peter Houston 30: Treat dig mag sign up emails like print subs marketing, improve open rate - @flipping_pages Peter Houston 31: Put dig mag content on FB, twitter so readers find in other places - @flipping_pages Peter Houston 32: Reduced pages and increased frequency improved time spend reading dig edition - @flipping_pages Peter Houston 33: Don't forget the long tail - chromatography dig ed live for 12 months @flipping_pages Peter Houston 34: Factory Media 6% of paid copy sales now on iphone apps by @pixelmags - Chris Talintyre 35: Factory media app sales mostly single issues, but subs grew to 10% @pixelmags - Chris Talintyre 36: PDF style app can be live on app store in 2-4 weeks @pixelmags Mark Stubbs 37: MPORA video app by Factory and @pixelmags gets longer viewing times than web: Chris Talintyre 38: Video is the natural human medium - Fiona Ryder @streamexchange 39: Create video content once, publish on multi channels - Fiona Ryder @streamexchange 40: Be clear about purpose of video before planning production - Fiona Ryder @streamexchange 41: People like to share video so make sure you make it easy for them - Fiona Ryder @streamexchange 42: You're not selling space, you're helping your client's business grow - Chris Parsons @q5partners 43: Create expert teams who solve client problems together - Chris Parsons @q5partners 44: Reward the sales team behaviours you need as well as results - Chris Parsons @q5partners 45: Balance the short term gain with long term interest - Chris Parsons @q5partners 46: Visitors have unlimited choice so all about attention and engagement - @paulhood 47: Start with customers, understand how they interact with site - @paulhood 48: Clients pay media fee plus commission on sales generated @paulhood 49: Inpire users to spread your clients' message and be advocates @paulhood 50: Dive in and experiment, an ounce of action beats tons of theory @paulhood 51: Audience alone is meaningless; you have to make profit @paulhood 52: Say no to networks and low CPM @paulhood 53: Every client wants a bespoke solution - Duncan Tickell, Magicalia 54: Think win-win on commercial partnerships - Duncan Tickell, Magicalia 55: Dream bike tool plus onsite marketing drove business for trek - Duncan Tickell 56: Rutland cycling grew ecommerce rev 20x on magicalia platform - Duncan Tickell 57: Survey and comp for MAM on baby sites drove 10k interactions - Duncan Tickell, Magicalia 58: B2b publishers need multiple revenue streams - @philredwood Fusion 59: High growth in digital editions revenue for b2b - @philredwood Fusion 60: B2b print shift almost entirely to subs - @philredwood Fusion 61: Consumer pubs see print subs grow 19%; print news decline 19% - @philredwood Fusion 62: 64% specialist media owners expect to charge for online content in future @philredwood Fusion Communications 63: 26% spec media owners have mobile app; 77% will have soon - @philredwood Fusion communications 64: 64% of spec media owners planning online video/ audio content @philredwood Fusion Communications 65: B2b senior managers worry about how to make £ from digital editions @philredwood Fusion Communications 66: Successful online publishers start with freemarkable content @milesgalliford 67: Engage visitors and build relationships before trying to monetise @milesgalliford 68: give excellent value every time you ask for an email address @milesgalliford 69: Aim to get an email address from every site visitor @milesgalliford 70: You're in the audience building business, use content to achieve this @milesgalliford 71: Build trust before developing ecommerce, subscription, participation @milesgalliford 72: Successful online publishers have multiple revenue streams @milesgalliford 73: All have lots to learn and pace is frightening - Riva Elliott @PMAmediatrain 74: Video main skills gap for journalists - Riva Elliott @pmamediatrain 75: Editors need to understand analytics, marketing, money - Riva Elliott @pmamediatrain 76: Editors have to manage social media, engagements and groups - Riva Elliott @PMAmediatrain 77: Journalist has to become an entrepreneur - Riva Elliott @PMAmediatrain 78: Future bright for specialist media - balance print, events and digital media @carolynrmorgan