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ABC announces governance change

ABC has announced the formation of the ABC Irish (ROI) Council, marking a significant change to its governance structure. The new structure will take effect immediately.

The ABC Irish (ROI) Council has the responsibility for ABC Reporting Standards for the Republic of Ireland giving it the authority to develop rule sets directly relating to Irish media. The new Council will meet three times a year in Dublin.

The launch of the ABC Irish (ROI) Council enables the Irish media industry to play a more active role in the development of ABC rules and regulations. Previously, its predecessor, the Irish Advisory Committee was required to make recommendations for the ABC UK Council to ratify. Although this removes the need for the ABC UK Council to endorse rules that were to operate in Ireland, and for rules developed in the UK to automatically apply in Ireland, the Irish (ROI) Council will continue to receive the services and support of ABC management in common with other members of ABC and remain part of ABC UK as a legal entity.

The Irish (ROI) Council consists of an Independent Chairman with media owner, agency and advertiser representatives from five Irish media trade associations: Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland (IAPI), National Newspapers of Ireland (NNI), Advertising Association of Ireland (AAI), Magazines Ireland and Regional Newspapers and Printers Association of Ireland (RNPAI).

Membership of ABC in Ireland will continue on the same basis as present. ABC will continue to bring rule changes to the ABC Irish (ROI) Council for consideration where these are being proposed outside Ireland and it is considered desirable either from an operational or definition point of view to maintain common standards.

John Mayhead, former ABC non-executive chairman has been appointed by the Irish (ROI) Council as the new independent Chairman. Mayhead will hold the position for a fixed period of two years.

Frank Cullen, co-ordinating director of NNI said: “I welcome the launch of the ABC Irish (ROI) Council, and the greater involvement it provides our industry. The new Council will be able to more closely represent and reflect the specific needs of the Irish market.”

Sean McCrave, chief executive, IAPI comments: “This is a landmark move by ABC and marks an exciting time for the media industry in Ireland. A dedicated Irish (ROI) Council means that decisions that have a direct impact on our market can be made by Irish media professionals. This shift can only be a good thing for the development of Irish media.”

Grace Aungier, chief executive, Magazines Ireland added: “The establishment of an ABC Irish (ROI) Council is a significant opportunity for indigenous Irish magazines to have a greater say in how they are measured and reported. We fully support this move and the development of ABC industry standards for Ireland.”