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ABC reports on content verification products

Yesterday, ABC released its latest Content Verification (CV) Summary Report.

The report provides an at-a-glance comparison of five independently certified CV products and their capability to block or report ad misplacement. The report is available at

Protecting the reputation of any brand is critical, particularly as online display advertising becomes increasingly automated, says ABC. CV products play an important role in online brand safety by helping to ensure ads appear appropriately, from the client’s perspective. This has been recognised by JICWEBS, who have referenced the use of independently certified CV products in their Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) UK Good Practice Principles.

ABC provides transparency about the capabilities of these products through its independent verification against 10 performance indicators, as agreed by JICWEBS. The results are published through individual certificates for each product and a summary report every 6 months.

The five CV products included in the latest report are:

* BrandShield by DoubleVerify Ltd

* comScore vCE Validation by comScore

* Project Sunblock V2 by Project Sunblock Ltd

* SiteScreen by ad pepper media UK Ltd

* The AdSafe Firewall by Integral Ad Science

By having their CV product tested, these companies are demonstrating their commitment to transparency and helping the industry work towards reducing the risk of misplacement. This, according to the ABC, is an essential step towards a trusted environment for online display advertising.

Justin Taylor, MD, Digital at MEC comments: "As online display advertising becomes increasingly automated, we must ensure our clients’ brands appear on appropriate websites. Content verification products have a lot to offer in this area and ABC’s independent certification provides the transparency needed to grow trust in this technology."

Jerry Wright, ABC, Chief Executive comments: “Advertisers want to have trust in the safety of their brand online. Independent certification of content verification products helps to provide that trust as it demonstrates their capability to protect advertisers’ brands. This greater confidence allows advertisers to make the most of digital display advertising for their brands and I am certain this investment will now continue to grow more surely.”

About ABC

ABC says: “ABC inspires confidence in the market across the media world by delivering a valued ‘stamp of trust’. ABC underpins the way billions of pounds worth of advertising budgets are traded across the converging media landscape in the UK and beyond.”