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ABC welcomes Self Select as Bulk Distribution Associate

ABC has announced that Self Select Distribution is the first to be accredited as a Bulk Distribution Associate, demonstrating their ability to report and prove their Multidrop Distribution (free copies) to industry agreed standards.

This, says the ABC, is a significant benefit to UK publishers of free newspapers and magazines who look to their suppliers to supply accurate data and information in accordance with ABC standards.

Andy Barker, Sales & Marketing Director at SSD comments: "As the UK free publication market has grown significantly in recent years, it has become increasingly important that the industry standards for reporting of free newspapers and magazines were formally agreed, and that these can be met by both distribution suppliers and publishers alike.

We are pleased to support ABC in these efforts and furthermore to announce the accreditation of our reporting. As the first UK distribution company to be accredited to ABC standards for Bulk Distribution (free copies) we are confident that our unique PDA based proof of delivery & reporting system will significantly simplify the collation and interpretation process required for ABC audit by our publishing clients.”

Jan Pitt, Group Executive Director Client Services at ABC comments: “I am delighted to welcome Self Select as a Bulk Distribution Associate. Through achieving our accreditation they are able to demonstrate both their expertise and commitment to working to industry agreed standards on behalf of their publishing clients.”

Publishers using SSD can have confidence that their supplier knows and understands the requirements of supplying data to ABC standards, facilitating faster and easier audits.”

About ABC

ABC says: “ABC is governed by the media industry, for the media industry and is the expert at setting data and process standards across multiple platforms. ABC provides a stamp of trust for media buyers, media owners, publishers and digital traders working in existing and emerging platforms.

The ABC Board consists of 21 media owners, media agencies, advertisers and trade body members – with 25 per cent of the Board representing the digital sector. The Board make strategic decisions as to how ABC is run and each industry sector is represented by a Reporting Standards Group.

The Irish (ROI) Council has the responsibility for ABC Reporting Standards for Republic of Ireland giving it the authority to develop rule sets directly relating to Irish (ROI) publications.

ABC was established in the UK in 1931 and is a founder member of the International Federation of ABCs (IFABC), of which ABC CEO Jerry Wright is President. ABC’s digital arm was established in 1996 and was united with ABC under one brand with a new identity and integrated structure in March 2011. ABC works to deliver common international standards for measuring digital reach, engagement and loyalty, as well as creating common standards for good practice throughout the industry.”

About Self Select Distribution (SSD)

SSD says: “Self Select are the UK’s leading retail distributor of free newspapers and magazines via display stands located in leading supermarkets, including Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, WM Morrison’s and Co-op.

Complimentary newspaper and magazines are then actively chosen by targeted shoppers depending upon their specific interest from a range including, local newspapers, lifestyle magazines, property and motoring magazines,

Self Select distribute 300+ different free titles across the UK for publishers including the Evening Standard, Newsquest, Northcliffe, Johnston Press and Trinity Mirror.”