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Acast launches presence in Netherlands

Acast, a leading podcast platform, continues to expand across Europe, launching its presence in the Netherlands by signing Meer Van Dit.

Acast launches presence in Netherlands
Ross Adams: “As we continue to explore new territories for Acast, some places seem to be more apt for podcasting than others.”

Acast will host, monetise and distribute the podcast studio’s shows, which generate approximately 27.5 million listens per year.

Some of the top shows in the Netherlands, including Teun & Gijs vertellen alles, Etenstijd!, Weer een dag and De mediameiden will now be accessible to via the Acast platform and available for monetisation through Acast’s extensive advertising marketplace.

Recognising the Netherlands as a key player in European podcasting, with research saying that almost half (49%) of Dutch people over the age of 16 listen to podcasts, Acast says it has identified an extensive network of publishers and creators already present, plus demand for podcast advertising.

Ross Adams, CEO of Acast, said: “It’s with great pride that we can say we’re officially launching in the market with Meer Van Dit by our side. Thanks to our technology-led marketplace, we’ve honed our abilities to be present in new geographies in a truly scalable way, without always the need for staff on the ground - still providing the best services to help podcasters and advertisers reach their audiences. As we continue to explore new territories for Acast, some places seem to be more apt for podcasting than others. It’s usually due to factors such as advertiser interest, the variety and number of podcasts in the market, and the buying methods frequently used and accepted. We’ve found that the Netherlands is far advanced in these areas.”

You can find out more about Acast in our Publishing Services Directory.

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