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Acast to distribute and monetise Irish Times podcast portfolio

Acast, a podcasting company, has signed The Irish Times, to its network of publisher partners.

Acast to distribute and monetise Irish Times podcast portfolio
Liam Kavanagh: “Our objective is to build the largest possible audience.”

The exclusive partnership with Acast boosts The Irish Times’ audio strategy by enabling the publisher to distribute its expanding podcast portfolio to every listening platform, as well as generating revenue through the Acast Marketplace with dynamically inserted ads and programmatic buying, says Acast.

The Irish Times taps into a weekly audience of one million people across its digital content and print newspaper. Committed to engaging and broadening its audience, The Irish Times is investing in new formats such as podcasts to serve the changing needs of its readers.

According to Acast, the partnership means that the publication can focus on making the podcasts, while Acast handles the rest — hosting, distributing and monetising its shows to reach new audiences and unlock new revenue streams.

"A closer look at the stories that matter in Ireland."

On May 24, 2021, The Irish Times launched its newest podcast, In The News. Hosted by journalists Sorcha Pollak and Conor Pope, the show takes a closer look at the stories that matter in Ireland and around the world.

In The News will be published in the morning, initially launching with two episodes per week on Mondays and Wednesdays, but with the aim of increasing this frequency in the months ahead. The goal is to bring a broad range of its journalism to listeners in an accessible, entertaining and authoritative way.

Liam Kavanagh, Group Managing Director at The Irish Times, said: “Our objective is to build the largest possible audience, bringing our trusted journalism to more people in new ways, and working with the world’s leading podcast platform gives us the best possible opportunity to do that.”

“The Irish Times has long been one of the most innovative news organisations in Ireland, jumping into podcasts before many others,” said Jennifer Dollard, Senior Content Development Manager at Acast Ireland. “Counting its podcasts as part of our growing publisher network is a landmark moment for Acast, both in Ireland and globally — we can’t wait to work with its exceptionally talented team.”

The Irish Times is part of the Acast Creator Network, and its shows — including In The News — are available on every podcast listening app, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and Spotify. Brands and agencies looking to advertise in The Irish Times’ podcasts can do so exclusively through the Acast Marketplace.

You can find out more about Acast in our Publishing Services Directory.

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