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ACE Press Awards 2009

The ACE Press Awards 2009 was held on Wednesday 25th March, at the Inter Continental Hotel in Park Lane, London.

Despite the difficult financial climate, said the organisers, over four hundred of the circulation and distribution industry’s finest enjoyed a wonderful evening of excellent food and wine.

At the Press Awards a number of new developments at ACE were announced:

As well as the established ACE Ashridge Executive Development Programme, now in its fourth year, ACE is adding a new programme this year; the ACE Circulation Development Programme. Offered free to Members of ACE the programme which kicks off on May 19th at the Institute of Directors is based around eight half-day modules at which key speakers from throughout the industry will endeavour to bring their knowledge and expertise to twenty-five lucky students. Sharon Douglas (ACE vice-Chair) and Christopher Collins (ACE, Head of Marketing) are designing and promoting the new Programme.

Also, at the Awards, Suzanne Pullum (Marketforce) announced a new initiative for ACE, the launch of ‘Emerging ACE’ aimed at attracting a new, possibly younger and certainly vibrant and active group to help steer ACE towards new activities and functions, to exist hand in hand with its current programme of events.

More information about these initiatives can be found on the ACE website.

Awards were presented for 13 separate categories including three chosen by the retail sector for the newspaper, magazine and wholesaler that had provided them with the greatest degree of support and communication during 2008. ACE has recently opened its doors to members from the retail sector.

Also a brand new Award, the ACE Sustainability Award was presented for the first time. This award aims to recognise the work many individuals and companies do in sustainability and environmental causes.

The winners of the awards were (photos from the evening can be seen on the ACE website):

Circulation Excellence by a National Newspaper: Financial Times (pictured withthe award above)
Judges' comments: the FT not only demonstrated core circulation innovation, but with very little budget also managed to increase sales despite an increase in cover price.
(Silver award went to Associated Newspapers for the Daily Mail & the Mail on Sunday and the bronze goes to News International for The Sun)

Circulation Excellence by a Smaller Magazine: Joint winners - Mac Format (Future Publishing) and Retail Newsagent (Newtrade Publishing)
Judges' comments: both MAC Format and Retail Newsagent displayed exceptional understanding and skills in their respective markets. Both demonstrated excellent circulation allocation and supply chain understanding. The judges also applauded Mac Format for their innovative use of consumer insights.
(Bronze award to DC Thomson for Goodie Bag Mag)

Circulation Excellence by a Major Magazine: Men’s Health (Natmag Rodale)
Judges' comments: particularly impressed by the creative thinking of Men’s Health.  They also recognised that for an established brand the positive results achieved in a challenging market were remarkable.
(Silver to Classic Rock (Future Publishing) and Bronze to National Geographic (Seymour Distribution))

Most effective promotional campaign by a National Newspaper: News International for the Free Light bulbs with The Sun Promotion.
Judges' comments: the free light bulbs with the Sun promotion, was innovative, in-tune with current trends and thinking and showed clear consumer benefits. It also led to clear, measurable circulation increases.
(Silver to Associated Newspapers (‘Mega Display’ promotion with the Mail on Sunday) and bronze to Guardian News and Media (‘See your City differently’ promotion in the Guardian and Observer)

Most effective promotional campaign by a Smaller Magazine: TSL Education for Times Higher Education.
Judges' comments: The category proved to be a real challenge, however a clear winner emerged in TSL Education who cleverly used controlled circulation to generate sales.
(Silver to UK Distribution for Fight Sport Magazine)

Most effective promotional campaign by a Major Magazine: Joint winners - Conde Nast Publications for Glamour – July 08 Circulation Support and
National Magazines, Cosmo Summer Campaign.
Judges' comments: Only three points separated the top six entries in this category.  The judges could not separate either the winners or the runners up, all of whom showed intelligent understanding of their respective markets and audiences and clever use of resources.
(Two silvers were awarded in this category both of which went to Marketforce for the Marie Claire Eco Chic Issue and the Woman and Home Tesco Promotion.)

The ACE Sustainability Award: Guardian News and Media.
Judges' comments: The judges said that Guardian News media recognised the impact that the newspaper can have in terms of editorial and staff as well as operations. An independently audited CSR report gave credibility to the Guardian case. They also felt that importantly they were engaging with sustainability issues throughout their whole supply chain.
(Joint Silver Awards: News International - who were especially commended for their commitment to reduce the level of carbon offsetting whilst continuing to be carbon neutral, and for Menzies Distribution who demonstrated sector leadership and innovation in a number of areas, the judges would also like to award a special commendation to Haymarket Media Group.)

Award for Service and Communication to retailers by a Newspaper: The Daily Mail
Judges' comments: the sheer volume of votes cast and the overall quality comments made the Daily Mail a clear winner.
(Joint silver winners to The Sun and The Daily Telegraph. There is also a Special Commendation this year which goes to one of the smaller players, The Yorkshire Post.)

Award for Service and Communication to retailers by a magazine: Take a Break.
Judges' comments: the number of votes cast, and positive feedback from retailers made Take a Break the clear winner.
(Silver goes to OK Magazine and the Bronze to The Radio Times)

Award for Service and Communication to retailers by a Wholesaler: Menzies Distribution
Judges' comments: The combination of overall positive feedback from retailers and the number of votes cast put Menzies ahead of the field.
(Joint silver for Dawson News and Smiths News, with a special commendation for EM News.)

Launch of the Year: Gogo’s Crazy Bones (Magazine Marketing Company)
Judges' comments: GoGo’s Crazy Bones achieved truly outstanding results and were a clear winner in their highly competitive sector.
(Silver went to BBC Publications for Match of the Day and Topps Europe picked up the bronze for Match Attax)

Award to an individual or team who has shown outstanding achievement for circulation innovation and ingenuity during 2008: Joint winners Dawson News for the Newspaper Packing Line and Future Publishing for the Future Trade Marketing Team.
Judges' comments: this category covers a multitude of services and illustrates the wide spread of skills and abilities required in our industry, and they were particularly impressed by the quality and content of the winning entries.
(Silver goes to Guardian News and Media for Seeing Local Activity Differently)

ACE Outstanding Achievement Award: Mel Lewis