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ACS appoints Director for European Operations

Philippe van Mastrigt has been appointed the Advantage Computing Systems (ACS) Director for European Operations.

In this role, Philippe van Mastrigt (pictured) provides a permanent ACS presence in the European region, working closely with current and prospective Advantage clients.

“Philippe provides for ACS a new level of competency in serving our clients in the publishing marketplace in Europe,” explains Tom Burbeck, ACS Executive Vice President. “His 11 years’ experience at one of the top five publishers in France, combined with his competency in publishing fulfilment, marketing, and project management, and his many contacts in the publishing industry, make Philippe the perfect ACS executive for ACS/Europe. With Philippe’s lead, ACS will carry on the mission already well underway to bring the Advantage software to a European marketplace hungry for 21st century technology leveraged to address the radical new demands faced by the publishing world.”

"Building ACS's structure for Europe is an exciting challenge after my 15+ years in the fulfilment business and in the publishing world,” says van Mastrigt. “The quality of the software and the calibre of ACS staff give me confidence to take this new step. European publishers need innovation and professional expertise to face the large challenge of reworking their business model around brand extension, digital content and multi-channel marketing. I'm happy to represent an American company with strong business values; one that will provide viable solutions in an area of great importance to the European economy. I consider my task as creating a link between the two market places; helping ACS expand internationally, and bringing innovation from the European marketplace to benefit ACS clients in the United States and Australia."

Prior to 2008, van Mastrigt served as the Director for Projects and Client Marketing at Bayard Presse. His many responsibilities over the past 11 years at Bayard Presse included project management for major corporate initiatives, direct marketing, data mining, customer relationship management, database marketing, business reporting and analytics, and controller functions. Van Mastrigt started his career at France’s leading cosmetic mail order company Yves Rocher. He is a 1994 graduate of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (H.E.C.), Paris, of the Community of European Business Schools (C.E.M.S.) and speaks fluent French, English, and Dutch.

About Advantage Computing Systems

ACS says: “Advantage Computing Systems (ACS) develops and markets The Publisher’s Advantage Computing System, the leader in premium marketing and order fulfilment software for medium to large magazine, journal, newsletter, newspaper and book publishers. Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, ACS has been developing software for publishers since 1979, and providing implementation and consulting services."