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AdvantageCS announces new client win

AdvantageCS has announced that Egmont Tidskrifter, based in Sweden, is the latest addition to the Advantage client roster.

Egmont Sweden publishes about 60 magazines, mostly consumer, and many for children. The company has the Disney print and distribution license for Europe, and so their offerings include a lot of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Toy Story, etc. comics. They also publish titles for pre-teens. Their adult magazines cover a variety of topics such as travel, style, cooking, interior decorating, celebrity news, and more.

The implementation is currently underway, spearheaded by ACS project manager Daryl Vautour and Klas Persson at Egmont.

Egmont Tidskrifter joins their sister company, Egmont Magasiner, based in Denmark, which has been an Advantage client since 2009.