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AdvantageCS wins new Belgian client

AdvantageCS has announced its newest client: Test-Achats. Test-Achats (TA) is also known by its Flemish name of Test Aankoop and was founded in Belgium in 1957 as a consumer organization.

Test-Achats independently tests all manner of consumer products and then reports the results.

In 1960, Test-Achats became one of the founding members of the European Consumers' Organization. Over time, the group has expanded into consumer rights and lobbying. Through collaboration with other organizations—in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Brazil— TA is now a major consumer defense organization in Europe and beyond. The affiliated organizations are OCU Ediciones SA in Spain, Altroconsumo Edizioni SRL in Italy, Deco Proteste Lda in Portugal and Pro Teste – Associaçao Brasileira de Defesa do Consumidor in Brazil.

This group edits a monthly magazine offering evaluations and ratings of various consumer products, and also publishes a bi-monthly magazine dealing with personal finance, and a monthly magazine on health. Overall, about 27 print and online magazines are published in 5 languages over 5 countries and 2 continents, serving about 1.7 million subscribers. In addition, the group runs a Contact Center in each country handling in total about 3 million individual consumer issues per year.

Jaak Creemers, the Program Manager who led the selection process and various pilot projects along the way, says: “Advantage had the functionality, the people, and the experience to meet the group’s needs going forward. We are very pleased to be working with the best technology and company in this space.”

Michel Bocquet, Group Manager of Consumers Relations, adds; “During our discussions with Advantage, it was clear that they understood our business, which gave us the necessary confidence to launch this collaboration.”

According to ACS, Test Achats and its affiliated organizations chose Advantage for its multi-local, multi-currency and multi-product comprehensive functionality, as well as ACS’s track record of successful implementations worldwide, and particularly in Europe.