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Air Business achieves ISO 50001

As an environmentally conscious organisation, Air Business Group has achieved ISO 50001 certification and says it remains committed to keeping their carbon footprint down.

As a result of their rigorous environmental and quality standards, Air Business already achieved ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 at their main operational sites in St Albans and Witney, says the company.

Furthering their commitment they have now achieved the further BSi certification ISO 50001 across the whole Group, including all Air Business and Quadrant sites.

Loraine Hirst, who is managing sustainable practises and driving certification processes, comments: “In just over six months, through some small and some larger energy saving initiatives, we have significantly reduced our energy consumption compared to 2014.

“Through internal communication we have gained awareness and tremendous support from our colleagues across all four of our sites, which will be vital for the future and the continuous work to maintain a low carbon footprint.”

Adam Sherman, group managing director at Air Business, adds: “Continuously improving both our environmental and quality processes to meet environmental objectives for both ourselves and our clients, is a top priority for Air Business Group. We are extremely proud to have achieved ISO 50001 across the Group in such a short space of time.”