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Air Business appointed by PPA

Air Business has won the contract to become the Periodical Publishers Association’s (PPA) new strategic partner for global distribution.

Signing the documents at a recent ceremony in London, Air Business Group MD, Adam Sherman (pictured on the right) said: “this is a defining moment in the history of the company and confirms we are now at the forefront of providing innovative solutions in the time sensitive delivery of publications to readers around the world.”

Barry McIlheney (pictured on the left), PPA chief executive, added: “We are very pleased that Air Business has joined us as a Strategic Partner. Getting magazines delivered accurately and on time is vitally important to our members and Air Business are focused on providing this service to publishers both in the UK and at a global level.”

In the recent past, Air Business says it has committed its resources to solving the problems inherent with the delivery of publications on a global scale. Investment in data processing capacity and fulfilment capability teamed with a global agency network, has lead to vastly improved delivery times for its publishing customers, says the company. Several notable wins in the highly competitive weeklies market, have resulted in numerous congratulatory comments from readers who are getting their copies up to a week earlier than they used to through competitors, claims Air Business.

About Air Business

Air Business says: “Air Business, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Irish Post Office, operates from three major locations in Hertfordshire, Essex and Oxfordshire. The business has seen substantial growth with sales more than tripling since 2003 establishing the company as the leading player in quality distribution services in the industry. Notable wins in the past year include blue chip companies EMAP and Lexis Nexis. For further information please contact Loraine Hirst on 01727 890 620 or email on”