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Air Business signs National Literacy Forum pledge

Air Business, a supplier of global mail, fulfilment, distribution and subscription management solutions continues its commitment to help drive up UK literacy levels for another year by signing the National Literacy Forum’s Vision for Literacy Business Pledge 2019.

Air Business signs National Literacy Forum pledge

Based on a survey, carried out by the National Literacy Trust in December 2018, the more books a child owns, the more likely they are to do well at school and be happy with their lives. However, The National Literacy Trust found that 9% of children say that they don’t own or have a book of their own at home. This statistic means that 1 in 11 children and young people in the UK miss the benefits of having their own books.

Air Business has been distributing books to children aged 0 - 5, on behalf of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library UK, since 2010 and demonstrated its commitment to the charity’s mission by enrolling its eligible employees too. Since partnering with Air Business, the number of books distributed in the UK by the charity has gone from 2,500 to 30,000 and Air Business has sent out over one million books for the Imagination Library. Currently, Air Business is working with its parent company, An Post, to help Dolly’s Imagination Library launch in Ireland so that children there can benefit from the books too.

By signing the Vision for Literacy Business Pledge, Air Business promises to encourage its employees to take part in internal fundraising and spread greater awareness of the campaign amongst the UK publishing market.

Adam Sherman, Air Business Group Managing Director, comments: “We are excited to be signing the National Literacy Forum’s Vision for Literacy Business Pledge for the third year running and understand the importance of raising awareness of the crisis. Air Business as a Group has served the publishing industry for over 45 years and like our clients, we are passionate about people engaging with the written word.”