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Alastair Campbell joins Men’s Health for new mental health franchise

Men’s Health has announced Alastair Campbell as a new mental health columnist, which will see the journalist and mental health campaigner leading a ‘Talking Heads’ interview franchise with famous personalities.

Alastair Campbell joins Men’s Health for new mental health franchise
Alastair Campbell: “The media has such an important role to play in the continuing fight to eradicate stigma and taboo around mental health.”

One of the country’s leading campaigners on mental health, Campbell will feature across Men’s Health’s magazine, website and YouTube channel, using his own experience of depression and breakdown to connect with his interviewees and raise awareness of mental health amongst men.

Talking Heads will be an ongoing series drawing attention to the people and the issues at the heart of the vital debate around mental health. Aligned with the beliefs of Men’s Health UK, say the publishers, Campbell’s interviews will also shine more light on the inextricable link between physical and mental health.

Campbell said: “I am delighted to be joining Men’s Health as a regular interviewer, and especially pleased that the magazine wants our Talking Heads series to maintain a focus on men’s mental health. The media has such an important role to play in the continuing fight to eradicate stigma and taboo around mental health, and I know Men’s Health is committed to that.”

Campbell continued: “The good news is that we are talking about mental health more. The bad news is the reason we still have to: continuing stigma which makes people feel they cannot be open and ask for the help they need; discrimination in the workplace; and above all services which simply do not match the need, for young and old alike.”

Toby Wiseman, Editor-in-Chief of Men’s Health UK, said: “Alastair has long been one of the country’s leading campaigners on mental health. His own experience of depression – and willingness to talk about it – has played a major role in raising awareness around mental health, whilst his expertise within politics and campaigns is helping to lead the fight for better funding and services. We at Men’s Health are committed to that same cause and are delighted to join forces with Alastair to fight for it.”

The interview series launches in the March 2022 issue of Men’s Health UK – out 9th February – through an interview conducted by Campbell with star England international rugby player, Maro Itoje. Covering a host of topics that are closely linked to mental health, the Saracens lock forward also opens up on his life outside of rugby and what he does to keep himself mentally strong on and off the pitch.

Campbell adds: “Maro Itoje is a great interviewee to kick off the series, and has a lot of interesting things to say, not just about sport, but politics, art, and matters of the mind.”

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