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Alfred Moellenbeck to retire

Informa plc, the international publishing, business intelligence and events group, this week announced that Alfred Moellenbeck, Managing Director of Euroforum, will retire at the end of 2014.

Under the new operating structure, Andrew Mullins has been appointed Chief Executive of Informa’s Knowledge & Networking Division. Alfred’s responsibilities for the Euroforum business in Germany have now transferred to Ann-Marie Brems, who reports directly to Andrew.

Alfred Moellenbeck has served in a senior management capacity at Informa for the past twenty-five years. He was principally responsible for the Group’s conference and learning activities across Continental Europe, and at various times he also held management duties for businesses in Latin America, Africa and Asia, representing businesses with revenue of more than €200m at one stage.

Stephen A. Carter, Group Chief Executive, said: “On behalf of Informa, I would like to thank Alfred for his significant contribution to the Group through the last twenty-five years, and wish him well in his retirement. Alfred has been instrumental in building Informa’s presence in Germany, across Europe and further afield.”

Alfred Moellenbeck, Managing Director of Euroforum, said: “Twenty-five years at Informa, bringing knowledge to life! It has been a wonderful experience and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Much has changed through my time at the Group, both within our markets and amongst our customers, but Informa has been successful throughout. Thankfully, another constant has been the success of the German football team, winning the World Cup at both ends of my career! I wish all my colleagues the very best for the future and look forward to watching Informa continue to flourish.”