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American publishing trade associations in merger talks

The News Media Alliance will absorb the MPA – The Association of Magazine Media under a merger agreement awaiting NMA member approval.

American publishing trade associations in merger talks

The partnership will focus on shared lobbying goals, including postal regulations and dealing with the big platform companies, reports the Poynter Institute.

Terms of the agreement were emailed last week the membership of NMA, who will be asked to ratify it at a Zoom meeting May 6.

David Chavern, president and CEO of the NMA, said, “News and magazine publishers are the greatest creators of original, high-quality journalism in the media landscape. Joining forces could expand opportunities for the members of both associations and consumers.”

Under terms of the merger agreement, seven directors from the MPA will join the NMA’s board. Over the next three years, six of them will form a Legacy Directors group, approving the use of reserve funds MPA brings to the combined association. The same group “will advise the NMA’s Board of Directors and Officers on magazine-specific industry developments, and work to facilitate integration of MPA members into NMA.”

Each industry has a separate association for editors, running awards contests and professional events. Those organisations will not be affected by the merger.

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