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AOP 3C Summit - headline speakers announced

The AOP 3C Summit, the annual flagship event of the UK Association of Online Publishers, has announced its speaker line-up for this year’s event.

Focusing on Content, Convergence and Creativity, 3C brings together industry leaders from around the world to address the key issues and challenges faced by media owners in the digital space and focus on how publishers can prepare for 2010.

3C takes place on 7 October at the Business Design Centre in London.

Headline Speaker will include:

* Simon Francis, CEO EMEA, Saatchi & Saatchi

* David Gilbertson, Chief Executive, Emap

* David Montgomery, Chief Executive, Mecom Group

* Chris Cramer, Global Editor, Multimedia, Reuters

* Brent Hoberman, Co-Founder of, & PROfounders Capital

* Shawn Colo, Co-Founder, Demand Media

* Julie Meyer, Chief Executive, Ariadne Capital

* Rob Grimshaw (pictured), Managing Director,

* Dave Panos, Chief Executive, Pluck

* Professor Paddy Barwise, London Business School

* David Rowan, Editor, Wired UK

* Dominic Feltham, Managing Director, Reed Business Information

* Luke Bradley-Jones, EVP, Managing Director,

* Jill Orr, Managing Director, CBS Interactive

... with many more to be confirmed soon.

For 2009, AOP has increased the number of streams at the Summit from 4 to 6, focussing on the following areas:

Video - Still the most important area for digital growth in 2010?

Incorporating and monetising video content is becoming key to publisher success in driving business and staying on top. In this session we look at creative ways to harness users’ appetite and ask the panelists: Is engaging video content key to unlocking commercial success? How can video help to grow audiences and connect more deeply with users?

Paid Content - Is the internet as we know it about to change?

As more publishers insist charging for content is the way of the future, others remain adamant that the genie is out of the bottle and paywalls simply won’t work. If not to charge, what are the alternatives? And what role will eReaders and mobile play? As diversification speeds up in 2010, will the debate move on from monetising content to monetising audiences and hosting transactions?

Social Media - Are publishers capitalising effectively?

How well are publishers and media owners taking advantage of the explosion in social media? In this session we look at how successfully publishers have integrated social media into their existing content and user base. We examine how social media can be used to add value to the user experience and the publisher’s bottom line. And we ask what’s next for social networking.

Mobile - The year of the app

With Apple predicted to have 100,000 applications available to iPhone users by the end of the year – 2009 could well go down as the year of the app. With the possibilities offered up by smartphones seemingly limitless, we look at the opportunities they open up to publishers, and find out what the experts have to say about what’s next in the world of mobile and consumption on the move.

Maximising Ad Campaigns - The essentials for success

Do clients understand how to fully leverage value from publisher brands? And are publishers getting their fair share? This session looks at what is essential for campaign success, from defining audiences, to developing effective creatives and measuring success. To what degree are publishers getting their part right? And when they do, how can they ensure the best financial rewards?

Innovation - How to be the next digital disruptor

What does it take to become the next disruptive business – the one that resets the agenda online? And in what key areas will digital transform business and society in the coming year? This panel of investment experts and entrepreneurs reveal where they are hedging their bets for 2010 and beyond.

More information is at