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AOP-Mozilla Hack Day Announced

The Association of Online Publishers (AOP) has announced its first hack day, which will run on 13-14 October.

In conjunction with the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Partnership, in its first collaboration with a UK trade body – AOP is promising a ‘dynamic day of fast-paced real-time software development, an experiment in demonstrating the future of publishing, today.’ The first day, Thursday 13 will take place at Incisive Media, Broadwick Street, it will then be transferred to the AOP’s flagship Summit Digital Publishing Summit, at Westminster Bridge Park Plaza on Friday 14 for final results, judging and prizes awarded.

AOP is inviting developers, designers and journalists from its member companies to get involved. The two day hack day event will focus on HTML5: with the development of dynamic applications and websites that work on all platforms, for all users – whichever device or OS they choose. AOP-Mozilla hack day products should solve a real world problem or opportunity currently facing AOP members' businesses. AOP’s Product Development Committee has informed the focus and theme of the hack day.

Lee Baker (pictured), Director of AOP, says: “There is an increasing requirement for media industry events to be collaborative and practical – with our first hack day, we aim to keep our flagship event of the year, the AOP Summit, ahead of the curve. AOP is a nerve-centre for UK media owners, where commercial, editorial and product leaders come together to share knowledge and work collaboratively – with the hack day, we are also directly involving developers, designers and journalists together, and hope the results demonstrate the benefits of our collegiate, cross-industry approach”.

Mozilla Executive Director, Mark Surman, says: “At Mozilla, we have been creating opportunities for hacking and co-creation with a range of organizations, including Knight Foundation and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. This is the first time, however, we have run a hack day affiliated with a UK trade body, and we’re happy to be announcing a first on this with AOP. These events give developers a chance to apply their skills to a new problem space, and enable the organisations that we’re working with to experience the kind of invention, co-creation, and open-web innovation that is at the core of Mozilla’s mission”.

Participants across AOP’s membership of B2B media owners, consumer magazines, newspapers, broadcasters and digital-only brands will team up for a day of brainstorming and prototype building, with the aim of demonstrating how publishers can take advantage of the open web and engage with audiences in new ways. The hack day fits with the AOP Summit theme – “Publishers: Know your Worth”, with AOP bringing its diverse membership together to work collaboratively to create prototypes and code which all of its members’ businesses can benefit from.

The Twitter hashtag for the AOP-Mozilla hack day is #aophd and for the AOP Digital Publishing Summit is #aopsummit.

The annual, one-day, flagship AOP Digital Publishing Summit will be held at Westminster Bridge Park Plaza on 14 October 2011.

Click here for the latest programme. Speakers include Fru Hazlitt, Managing Director, Commercial and Online, ITV, Alisa Bowen, General Manager, The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, New York, Jakob Nielsen, Managing Director Interaction, GroupM, Justine Roberts, Founder and CEO, Mumsnet, Benjamin Faes, Managing Director, Media & Platform, N & C Europe, Google and Karla Geci, Head of International Media, Strategic Partner Development, Facebook.

Speaker Brands and companies include: BBC, ITV, Haymarket, GroupM, Agenda21, Profero, IPA, Digital Spy, Telegraph, Mumsnet, Quantcast, Future, IDG, Vivaki, AdMonsters, Pearson, Facebook, Dennis, Econsultancy, Zeebox and many more.

About AOP

AOP says: “The UK Association of Online Publishers (AOP) is the industry body representing online publishing companies that create original, branded, quality content. AOP champions the interests of companies from newspaper and magazine publishing, TV and radio broadcasting, and pure online media.

The AOP raises awareness, and addresses concerns relating to all areas of online publishing to industry and Government; covering topics such as paid-for-content, online subscription models, data protection, copyright, content management, new technologies and audience measurement.

AOP publishes original research including the annual Census now in its ninth year. It also hosts forums, conferences and events, where members can debate issues, meet peers and network.

The AOP hosts two annual flagship industry events, the AOP Digital Publishing Awards, held in June 2011; and the AOP Digital Publishing Summit scheduled to be held on 14 October 2011 at Westminster Bridge Park Plaza, London.

AOP Members include AN Media, Bauer Consumer Media, BBC, BBC Worldwide, BSkyB, CBS Interactive, Centaur, Condé Nast Digital, Economist Group, Future Publishing, Global Radio, Guardian Media Group, Haymarket Media Group, Incisive Media, Independent Print, IPC Media, ITV, The National Magazine Company, News International, PPA, Reed Business Information, Telegraph Media Group, Thomson Reuters, Trader Media, Trinity Mirror, TSL Education, United Business Media.”