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Archant Dialogue launches new skydive starter mag app

Archant Dialogue has launched a new interactive magazine app for one of its print publications - Skydive.

Skydive Starter App, published on behalf of the British Parachute Association (BPA), uses a native magazine app publishing platform to take the printed magazine and bring it to life using the functionality of tablets.

With animation, videos, slideshows, popup box-outs and plenty of ‘tap and swipe’ functionality, the publication sets out the basics of skydiving for beginners and showcases the exciting opportunities in the sport, says Archant Dialogue. The publication has been completely redesigned for the tablet device and allows the user to easily explore the sport and encourage them find out more.

Free for both Apple and Android tablets, the Skydive Starter App brings the BPA’s Skydive Starter publication to a new, global and tech-savvy audience and offers essential information and guidance for everyone who has ever wanted to experience the exhilaration of a skydive, say the publishers.

Adrian Bond, BPA Communications Chair, said: “There’s a saying that there are two kinds of people – those who have experienced a skydive and those who haven’t. The world of skydiving is just waiting to be explored. The BPA Skydive Starter App is an exciting way to do this from the ground, but be warned – it may give you an urge to experience the real thing for yourself! ”