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Archant Editor-in-Chief Nigel Pickover announces retirement

After more than 44 years working on daily newspapers, Nigel Pickover, Editor-in-Chief of the Eastern Daily Press, has announced that he will be retiring at the end of 2016. 

Nigel, who has worked at Archant for 23 years, has held a number of senior editorial roles within the company including editor of three of Archant’s daily papers - the Ipswich Star, the Norwich Evening News and the Eastern Daily Press, says the publisher.

Before joining the regional publisher, Nigel worked as a cub reporter on The Star in Sheffield, and worked on the Daily Express, Sunday Express and the Daily Mail as a freelance. Nigel also worked on The Yorkshire Evening Press before joining Archant and finishing his career at the Eastern Daily Press and Evening News in Norwich.

Nigel has celebrated many career highlights during his time in the newspaper industry including helping to raise over £130,000 for Norfolk and Suffolk flood victims, the publication of three profitable books (one using the Archant archive to celebrate the 90th birthday of The Queen), the successful GoGo Dragons extravaganza in 2015, and the launch of Stars of Norfolk & Waveney and Stars of Suffolk. Nigel also acts as trustee on the Terri Calvesbert Fund - an appeal he set up for a badly burned baby after a house fire in the 1990's – which has raised more than £600,000 for Terri's future.

In Suffolk he launched the Somebody's Daughter memorial fund after the killings of five street workers 10 years ago – which helped to fund a new refuge in the county.

In Norfolk he led a successful SOS campaign against major cuts to the fire service.

Under Nigel’s direction his various titles have won more than 20 newspaper of the year awards – including the EDP being awarded the coveted Grand Prix title at the prestigious Newspaper Industry Awards in London.

After his retirement, Nigel will be continuing his association with Archant after accepting the honorary title of Editor Emeritus as he starts his next new adventure. Of the Editor Emeritus honour, Nigel said: "I'm thrilled that a great friendship forged on our brilliant daily newspapers will continue with what I believe is the best company in the regional press."

“It's been hectic, challenging, demanding and 24/7 as the newspaper industry continues to evolve," he said. "Above all we have fought and won many campaigns for our communities and I have enjoyed complete editorial freedom, a priceless gift."