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Archant launches 21st century weekly

A “21st century” weekly newspaper was launched in Cambridge, the UK’s city of innovation, last week by Archant.

The launch of CambridgeFirst will point the way towards the future for local newspapers with its multi-platform and multiple route to market approach, says Archant.

The weekly title will be a new generation newspaper with original design and content, backed by a number of carefully-crafted and monitored methods of reaching a new audience.

The move comes from leading independent community media company, Archant, with chief executive Adrian Jeakings saying: “Now is the time!”

Stuart McCreery, managing director of Archant Herts and Cambs, the division which will be launching the new title, explained: “Cambridge is a fantastic place to live in, to work in and spend time in. We are extremely keen to work with advertisers and readers to celebrate just how great and special this place is.”

Among the routes to market being utilised are: Paid-for sales, free pick-up locations, hand-delivered to target customers at high footfall points locations, website, mobile site, plus personal delivery.

Paul Richardson, editorial director, commented: “The General Election has been decided; this is a time of optimism and change, so we decided the timing was absolutely right. Cambridge is ready for something fresh and new with an open and positive news agenda and this will be it.”

Regional advertisement manager Katie Adlam commented: “We have ample opportunities and we will be exploring them all.”

Mr Jeakings concluded: “We are a progressive community media company and this is our chance to put many of our innovative theories and ideas into practice in a location which, it is well-proven, welcomes such things. We believe this print, web and multiple routes to market approach for each strand of the brand is absolutely the way forward. It’s a first – another CambridgeFirst!”

Archant has recruited new editorial and advertising teams for the new brand, which will be based in the city with other company titles, Agenda and Explorer magazines.