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Award for The Sunday Times’ Clean Air Campaign

The Sunday Times is to be presented with an award for its Clean Air Campaign and contribution to public health this weekend.

The European Lung Foundation’s annual award recognises the campaign’s role in trying to improve air quality. It is given by the European Lung Foundation and European Respiratory Society.

The Sunday Times’ campaign has called for better monitoring of air pollution, easier access to information about pollution levels and more action to curb pollution.

Previous recipients of the award include WHO Europe, for setting air quality guidelines, and Michael Bloomberg, the businessman and former New York mayor, for his efforts to combat tobacco uses worldwide.

Jonathan Leake, science and environment editor of The Sunday Times, said: “When we started our campaign on air pollution no-one was talking about the issue and politicians couldn’t have cared less.

Now, however, it is at the top of the political agenda, especially in London, and everyone is talking about it. Defra, the environment ministry, is finally being held to account, and so are the vehicle makers who are responsible for destroying people’s health. It shows what good journalism and good editors can achieve.”