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Bauer Illuminate navigates a cookieless future for auto advertisers

Bauer Media yesterday announced the expansion of Bauer Illuminate for the automotive market, allowing auto advertisers to accurately target audiences at different stages of their car buying journey.

Bauer Illuminate navigates a cookieless future for auto advertisers
Jim Burton: “The data signals we see allow us to build those auto audiences in real time.”

This is done using first-party data gathered from Bauer’s network of automotive digital platforms.

This first-party information aids brands to send targeted messages to relevant automotive cohorts at key stages of the car buying journey, increasing efficiency and engagement, says Bauer Media. This includes audiences looking at general car buying advice at an early stage (‘Awareness’ phase), to those further down the funnel and looking at certain body style or fuel type (‘Engagement’ phase), to consumers who are in deep research stage and typically eight weeks away from purchase (‘Intent’ phase). According to Bauer, early trials have shown that when targeting users during the ‘Engagement’ stage using Illuminate, dwell time increased by 50% and the number of users that engage with car adverts by 13%.

The introduction of the service follows the launch of Bauer Autoventure in 2020, which married Bauer’s Automotive titles such as Parkers, Car, Fleet News, Automotive Management, Classic Car and Practical Classics with its audio business, providing automotive brands creative advertising solutions.

Jim Burton, Digital Commercial Director, Bauer Autoventure, said: “Bauer Illuminate’s automotive solution is an evolution of the very successful targeting that the auto industry and us as a premium auto publisher have been accustomed to for the last 15+ years. The data signals we see allow us to build those auto audiences in real time and play a pivotal part in building audiences across the different buying funnel stages that will engage with our clients’ messages. We’re excited to roll out Illuminate with more of our clients, helping them to build campaigns from brand awareness right through to performance campaigns that reach highly qualified audiences with an increased propensity to engage.”

Simon Kilby, MD, Bauer Media Advertising, added: “Clients and agencies are becoming increasingly reliant on publishers to provide accurate and reliable audience insight as they plan for a cookieless world. The extension of Bauer Illuminate will provide auto brands with confidence and help mitigate the risk and volatility that will naturally arise as third-party data soon phases out.”

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