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Bauer launches Modern Gardens Magazine

Bauer Media has announced the extension of its gardening portfolio, with the launch of Modern Gardens Magazine, which it says is the first magazine for consumers who want simple ideas to create a stylish outdoor space to enjoy, rather than spend hours gardening.

Bauer Media owns two gardening titles which continue to show growth. According to Bauer, Garden News holds the number one spot in the weekly gardening market with a 13.61% increase on last period, up 8.19 % on last year and Garden Answers recorded a 16.58% increase pop and 8.84% yoy in the latest ABCs.

Bauer says that extensive research amongst homeowners and renters, has shown that:

• Outside space is utilized for an average of 4-5 hours per week

• Two-thirds want to integrate their outdoor space with the rest of the house

• 50% want a garden that they can relax in

• And at retail, sales of high quality garden furniture, barbecues and outdoor lighting are increasing rapidly

Rob Munro-Hall, Group Managing Director said: “This change in focus to garden use, rather than gardening as a hobby has created a new generation of ‘lifestyle gardeners’. They have different needs than the traditional gardening audience and were not being served by the existing products.”

June Smith-Sheppard, Editorial Director for Modern Gardens, said: “There is a wealth of information available for people trying to make their house look beautiful, but very little relating to how to take this outside. Modern Gardens is here to revolutionise the gardening market with fun, trend led content that is accessible for everyone. We are very excited to be opening up this niche market to anyone with an outdoor space.”

Modern Gardens is available now, with the first issue priced at £2.99.