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Bloomberg launches

Yesterday, Bloomberg launched a new digital hub,, that gathers all of its leading work in climate news and analysis.

Now the latest climate and energy journalism produced by one of the world’s biggest newsrooms can be found on a dedicated website and social platforms on Facebook and Twitter (@climate). This digital effort will combine Bloomberg’s fast-paced news on the political, economic and business consequences of our changing planet with unmatched reporting, analysis, and data on the future of energy, says Bloomberg.

According to the publishers, the debate about the reality and significance of global warming has ended. Climate Changed will highlight stories, data visualizations, and videos that move beyond entrenched political disputes to focus on the way people, businesses and entire industries are already shifting in the face of a changed planet. Market dynamics, technological innovation, and business strategy will be the central focus.

Climate Changed is an interdisciplinary project that reaches across Bloomberg. This effort brings together the work of more than 2,600 journalists and analysts around the world. The new online hub will showcase the work of narrative journalism from Bloomberg Businessweek, regulatory reporters for Bloomberg in Washington D.C., opinion leaders at Bloomberg View, select industry analysis from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, and digital design, video, and data-visualization teams in New York.