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BMJ to publish international psychiatry journal

This week, BMJ publishes the first issue of General Psychiatry, previously known as Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry.

BMJ to publish international psychiatry journal

Working in partnership with Shanghai Medical Health Centre (SMHC), the journal is dedicated to publishing high quality, peer reviewed articles for mental health professionals, whilst offering free publication for authors.

The journal will be a fully open access publication, ensuring articles are openly available for all to read.

As the first English language psychiatric journal in mainland China, this journal has been innovating and evolving throughout its 59 year history, and BMJ says it is proud to be a part of continuing this tradition. BMJ’s first step was to change the journal’s title to one which better represents its vision and ambitions for the journal.

President of SMHC, Professor Yifeng Xu says: “This joint collaboration will satisfy the internationalized development and needs of psychiatric research, to deeply develop our research and communication platform, and to acquire a better position in the field of global psychiatry. We hope that this partnership will transform General Psychiatry into a high-end psychiatry magazine, and reflect the latest international trends of psychiatry and brain science, and improve human mental health.”

Allison Lang, Publishing Director at BMJ, says: “General Psychiatry will provide an exemplary international forum for exchanging new research findings and service developments between mental health professionals, and we are looking forward to working with Professor Yifeng Xu and the rest of the editorial team to achieve our shared vision for the journal.”