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Board changes at INM

Independent News & Media PLC has announced the appointment of Lothar Lanz to the Board of Independent News & Media PLC as a non-executive Director with immediate effect.

Mr Lanz (61) is the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Axel Springer AG – Germany’s largest newspaper company and one of Europe’s most integrated and successful media groups.

INM Chairman, Dr Brian Hillery said: “We are delighted to welcome Lothar to the Board as a non-executive Director. He brings a depth of international multi-media and financial experience and independence to our deliberations, and his appointment is an important step in the ongoing refreshment and development of the Board recently signalled by the Company.”

The Board of INM also announces the retirement of the Rt. Hon Kenneth Clarke as and from 31st December 2009. Mr Clarke has been a non-executive Director of INM since 2007.

Commenting on Mr Clarke’s retirement, Dr Hillery added: “Ken has served the Board of INM with flair and distinction, drawing on his vast political and business experience. As the Restructuring is now successfully completed, Ken has indicated his decision to step down to concentrate solely on his political role in Britain as the Conservative Shadow Business Secretary. I would like to thank Ken for his enormous contribution to INM and, on behalf of the Board, wish him well in his future”.