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Bonnier selects Atex solution

Bonnier Business Press International, part of the Bonnier Group, the largest media corporation in Scandinavia, has signed a contract with Atex to deploy all its solutions across seven Eastern Europe countries.

The solution delivered by Atex includes its advertising, circulation and content management systems as well as business intelligence tools, finger printing and audience development solutions. This will be provided as a managed service, offering Bonnier a completely integrated solution, with streamlined processes and workflows. 

Bonnier Business Press International CEE operations currently uses a combination of in-house software, point solutions and manual workflows; but as a group with several media houses, it was important for the company to centralise its IT and normalise software across the business. The company wanted to work with one provider, which could offer all the solutions it needed to support its processes.

Jonas Bringle, Atex Managing Director, Scandinavia, comments, “Bonnier evaluated solutions from a number of vendors, but decided to move forward with Atex as our OneView solution offers a single view of its business. We are pleased to be able to support all of the company’s processes, allowing them to focus on their main competencies.”

About Atex

Atex says: “Atex, headquartered in the UK with offices worldwide, is a leading software company selling solutions for media-rich industries. Atex develops smart digital solutions that make a measurable difference and enable its 1000+ customers to streamline operations and optimise their digital strategy. As a global organisation, it is committed to helping companies build revenues and reduce costs through products that are increasingly personalised, localised, collaborative, contextually relevant, and available on demand.”