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Brie Larson guest edits Stylist magazine

Ahead of Brie Larson starring at the UK premiere of Captain Marvel, she takes over Stylist as the first of ten guest editors to mark the magazine’s 10th anniversary.

Brie Larson guest edits Stylist magazine
Brie Larson: "Inclusion is not happening organically yet."

To mark Stylist’s 10th anniversary this year, the magazine has asked 10 inspiring and remarkable women to create their very own issue, from start to finish. Hollywood actor and activist, Brie Larson, marks the start of the first takeover, discussing the importance of female empowerment and celebrating being the first female Marvel lead in the Captain Marvel movie.

With complete editorial control of the entire issue, say the publishers, Brie addresses topics such as equal pay, getting the female voice heard within the entertainment industry and existing stigmas around disability, sexual orientation and racial segregation.

Highlights from Brie’s issue include a column from Reni Eddo-Lodge on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the politics of beauty, a feature by journalist and performer Rhyannon Styles on what it means to be a trans woman in 2019, and a fashion shoot shining a spotlight on size-inclusive sportswear brands shot on female running group Fly Girl Collective.

Brie Larson interview highlights:

On her aims editing this issue:

“Guest editing this issue was my opportunity to reflect on the spaces that can exist when folk with power (in this case, me) use their platform to grab the hands of others and pull them up. Inclusion is not happening organically yet – it requires thought and pointed action. But it gives me strength to know that who we are has almost nothing to do with puberty or who gives you butterflies in your stomach. Our minds, our bodies, our dreams, our ambitions; the way we fuel ourselves is vast.”

“Feminism and visibility will undergo expansions for as long as we grow and stay curious. This opportunity allowed me the chance to share the voices of many, and learn along the way.”

On supporting fellow women and making a change:

“I want to claim the idea of power, and of female power,’ [she told us during our first conversation about her vision for this issue.] ‘As more women are coming into their power, it’s important that we reach out and lift others up. That’s how we’ll really be able to make an impact.”

On overcoming her biggest fear of taking on her new role of Captain Marvel:

“Most of my fear was with the public nature of the role. Knowing that this film would mean my face was on billboards all over the world seemed overwhelming. I still have fears about not being able to do things I love, like walking around the airport alone and people-watching, but I think the power film holds is more important than my fears.”

On the pressures placed on women and the intended take-aways from her role in the Captain Marvel movie:

“I think the world already puts too many unnecessary pressures on females on how they should think or feel, so I don’t need to add to that. Whatever female viewers take from it is awesome!”

On playing a superhero and pushing herself physically for the role:

“It’s hard to be a superhero! It’s a lot of work. Usually my job is just talking, but this role added a physical element, so you have to push yourself to the limit.”

On her female role models through childhood:

“I loved the Spice Girls and the Dixie Chicks, along with writers like Sylvia Plath, Gertrude Stein, Emily Dickinson and the Brontë sisters.”

The full interview appears in this week’s issue of Brie Larson takes over of Stylist, out Tuesday 26th February 2019.