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Business Live expands reach into Northern Ireland

Business Live, Reach’s business news website that hosts stories written by business writers from across the group's national and regional titles, has been expanded to include Northern Ireland.

Business Live expands reach into Northern Ireland

Reach has brought in ex-Belfast Telegraph and Ulster Business editor David Elliott to cover all the Northern Ireland news on the site which will also be available in a weekly newsletter that will be sent straight to subscribers’ inboxes every Monday morning.

David will continue in his role as Senior Client Director at Lanyon Group, alongside Business Live.

Elliott is also the host of Belfast Live’s business podcast ‘How I Got Here’ which is returning soon for a second series.

David Elliott.

Announcing the launch of Business Live NI, he said: "Business Live has already established itself as a leading source of business news across the rest of the UK and I am looking forward to expanding that reach in Northern Ireland.

“Companies here have shown huge resilience and innovation over the past few months and we want to bring their stories to life through the Business Live network as the economy picks up pace.”

As well as being a new destination for business news in NI, Reach’s Commercial Director Jonathan Eakin hopes Business Live NI will enhance the publisher’s overall offering commercially, “providing greater scope for brand partnerships.”

“We are delighted to launch Business Live in Northern Ireland. We felt there was space in the market for a digital-only business platform with agility and relevance which can deliver the news the business community needs.

He added: “By partnering with David Elliott, with the experience and credibility he brings, we believe we have the right content and tone to make this a success in the market.”

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