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Canvasflow releases SPRYLAB Purple DS integration

Canvasflow has released its official integration with Sprylab’s Purple DS – a leading digital publishing solution.

Canvasflow releases SPRYLAB Purple DS integration

This integration brings the power of Canvasflow - the cloud based authoring solution – to all Purple DS powered apps, says Canvasflow.

Designed to dovetail with existing workflows, Sprylab publishers looking to take advantage of HTML5 authoring can start using Canvasflow either as a standalone solution or in conjunction with their existing apps.

Gareth Jones, Canvasflow Co-Founder & Product Manager: “We’ve worked closely with Sprylab to create a rich integration enabling clients to take full advantage of the Canvasflow feature set, while providing a seamless experience with the Purple DS platform.”

“We’re really looking forward to working with Sprylab customers and seeing how Canvasflow can help to simplify the creation of optimised responsive content for Purple DS powered apps.”

The official release provides support for all Canvasflow features in addition to multi publication support, preview and release app management and article smart sync. With a simple and secure setup, existing Purple DS customers can connect Canvasflow in minutes, says the company.

“We are very happy about the direct integration of Canvasflow into our digital publishing solution Purple DS. The intuitive editor extends our wide range of workflows perfectly and allows users to efficiently push beautiful, responsive and interactive articles into our feed and/or newsstand apps. Canvasflow makes our suite even more powerful and flexible,” adds York Walterscheid, Director Marketing & Sales at Sprylab.

Links / further reading: Learn more about connecting Canvasflow with Purple DS