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Centaur sets out Anti-racism and Inclusivity Pledge

Centaur Media has published a six-point pledge to help drive anti-racism, diversity and inclusivity in the industry.

Centaur sets out Anti-racism and Inclusivity Pledge
“We commit to be an anti-racist organisation that proactively calls out and acts upon racism and micro aggression wherever we see it.”

Centaur’s Anti-racism and Inclusivity Pledge:

1. Fighting racism

We commit to be an anti-racist organisation that proactively calls out and acts upon racism and micro aggression wherever we see it. A zero-tolerance approach supported by the company-wide whistle-blowing policy forms part of the Centaur Media ethos and we expect all Centaur employees to maintain these standards in the fight against racism.

2. Transparency and accountability

We commit to regularly publish our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic representation data and pay-gap report and take action to address the issues. Furthermore, we commit to fair and transparent recruitment, progression and promotion processes and the ongoing delivery of company-wide Diversity & Inclusivity training, including unconscious bias training to help our employees understand their own privileges and their biases to help them become accountable allies.

3. Supporting the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community

We commit to creating access to the business for ‘hard-to-reach’ diverse communities through paid internships and we will provide ongoing mentorship programmes for diverse staff so that they can develop their careers at Centaur Media. Additionally, we have created a community forum that will act as a safe space for all employees to discuss any issues, challenges and experiences surrounding race.

4. Fair representation across our content, services and products

We commit to consistently reviewing our content, speakers and trainers to ensure fair representation across our products and services.

5. Fair representation across our supply chain

We commit to the ongoing review of our supply chain and will make necessary changes to ensure fair representation across our supplier network.

6. Creating an inclusive culture

We commit to building an inclusive and diverse culture with an open meritocracy where we recognise and celebrate all cultures and diversity groups.

Read Centaur Media’s 2020 Inclusion, Diversity and Equality Policy