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Channel 5 appoints News UK’s Bridge Studio for integrated brief

Channel 5 has appointed News UK’s branded content division, Bridge Studio, for an integrated print, digital and social campaign to help the broadcaster showcase the range and quality of its content.

Channel 5 appoints News UK’s Bridge Studio for integrated brief

Bridge Studio will be creating content for the broadcaster that will feature across The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times in print, online and across Unruly’s video distribution platform.

Channel 5 will also be the first brand to use Social Amp, a new tool from News UK that takes brands’ social content and amplifies it across The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times’ owned and operated channels.

Channel 5’s brief is to increase brand affinity and association with quality programming amongst new and existing target audiences, drive frequency and increase viewer loyalty.

Using Social Amp, News UK will amplify Channel 5’s social content onsite on its channels. Channel 5 will be able to reach The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times’ engaged social audiences through endorsed posts across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Chris Aylott, Senior Director, Marketing, Channel 5, commented: “News UK delivered a compelling pitch which will not only help us reach a quality audience, but will amplify our content via Unruly and across their news brands’ own social channels, giving us increased organic reach and cut through.”

Mark Field, Director, Bridge Studio, said: “Using our unique emotional targeting approach we will be tapping into key emotions that resonate with our readers to help Channel 5 reach new, engaged, quality audiences at scale.

“We are thrilled that Channel 5 will be the first advertiser to use Social Amp to drive followers and engagement. As social organic reach continues to decline for businesses, advertisers are increasingly looking for more alternative ways to connect with their audiences. Social Amp offers brands an answer to this problem and we expect Channel 5 to be the first of many to benefit from increased organic reach for their social content.”

Scott Webb, Partnerships Director at PHD added: “News UK offered a unique combination of quality, engaged and diverse audiences at scale with rich creativity and technological innovation. Their insight into the impact of emotions on their readers helped us to create a campaign that really engages with the target audience.”