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CMA announce three new brand members

The Content Marketing Association (CMA), the industry body for the content marketing industry, yesterday announced three new brand members – TalkTalk, the telecommunications group; Zurich Municipal, providers of insurance and risk management products and REED, the recruitment agency.

This follows The Prince’s Trust becoming the first brand member last year and reflects the diversification of the UK content marketing industry.

Zurich Municipal and REED have previously used the CMA’s intermediary service, CMA Advance, to find suitable content marketing agencies for live briefs.

Clare Hill, Managing Director, CMA, said: “There is a real demand from across the industry to further develop expertise in creating successful content marketing strategies. This has been driven by the requirement for brands to plan, create and execute multi-channel publishing strategies which require a real understanding of what content, in which format, works best on what channel. At The CMA we are delighted to have already worked with REED and Zurich Municipal, marrying their business needs by acting as an intermediary to identify agencies who they want to work with, developing bespoke training to improve internal expertise and sharing best practice and thought leadership. TalkTalk joins us on the back of their exciting emoji PR campaign which highlights the success of visual storytelling and we are proud to welcome these leading brands as members to the CMA.”

Ben Ayers, Group Head of PR, TalkTalk said: “Creating appealing content that resonates with your target market and existing customers should be a key part of any brand’s armoury. We’re joining the Association at a time when more and more customers look to take TV and mobile services from us – and both are really exciting categories. Content marketing helps to build engagement in these important areas and we look forward to learning and sharing knowledge and experiences with peers as we go on the journey.”

Gordon Wilmott, Head of Marketing, Zurich Municipal said: "Working with the CMA has proven to be an invaluable experience, helping us find partners, and like-minded individuals able to help us advance our marketing goals. We’re excited to be working with the CMA.”

Catherine Maskell, Head of Marketing, REED, said: “We are delighted to formalise our relationship with the CMA and its members. We’ve had great success by working with their content experts so by joining it now gives us access to even more intelligence, which given that content is still very much ‘king’ feels like an exciting next step for us as a brand to take”