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Community Care launches major child neglect resource

RBI’s Community Care has launched a major new resource to help social workers tackle child neglect – one of the most difficult categories of child abuse to evidence.

The ‘knowledge and practice hub’ on neglect was borne from extensive customer research and marks a new approach to content for Community Care’s paid-for site, Inform Children, says RBI.

It comes at a tough time for social care, amid media criticism and harsh spending cuts.

Combining in-depth information on key topics with research, advice and interactive practice tools, Inform’s new collection of knowledge and practice hubs will provide an invaluable resource for social workers as they work hard to support and protect vulnerable children.

Camilla Pemberton, Community Care’s head of children’s content, said: “We’re really excited to launch the neglect hub following months of research and commissioning.

“We’ve worked really hard to create a ‘one stop shop’ for social workers making decisions on child neglect in very challenging circumstances.”