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CPD for publishers?

A directory is more than just a list of names and addresses – it’s a source of inspiration.

By James Evelegh

CPD for publishers?

Unlike for dentists, doctors and lawyers, there is no formal requirement for continuing professional development for publishers. Which is a shame, because how are we to answer the following important questions:

  • Is what we’re doing the best way of doing it?
  • Are the challenges we face unique to us or common across the industry?
  • What does best practice look like?
  • What’s new that we should be aware of?

Of course, there are sources of information. Trade press like InPublishing is one. Events, of course, is another. Keeping a close eye on the competition is always instructive. But there is one source of information that publishers tend to overlook – our suppliers.

We’re just putting the finishing touches to our annual Publishing Partners Guide (PPG), which will be distributed with the Jan/Feb issue of InPublishing magazine (register here to join the mailing list). It contains profiles of 80+ suppliers and each profile contains an approx. 400 word service description.

While editing the pages, it occurred to me that these descriptions are an education in themselves.

By detailing the services they offer, the suppliers go a long way towards answering the above questions. They paint a vivid picture of what’s possible for publishers.

A full reading of the PPG will give you a clear idea of what you could and should be doing with your business.

So, the PPG is much more than just a directory, it’s a training resource, a road map and a source of inspiration for publishers. Do look out for it.

You can catch James Evelegh’s regular column in the InPubWeekly newsletter, which you can register to receive here.