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Crescent Scaleup Programme Opens Applications for its Summer Intake

Collingwood Advisory, specialist scaleup and corporate finance advisers to the media industry, has opened up its Crescent programme for new members joining in Summer 2022.

Crescent Scaleup Programme Opens Applications for its Summer Intake

Crescent is a scaleup programme designed to help Founders and CEOs of smaller and early stage information, media and events companies to break through the £3m / $4m revenue mark and scale up. The programme combines 1-2-1 advice from experienced business leaders, group workshops with specialists in product development, sales, marketing and corporate finance, and structured work on members’ business plans.

Applications are now open through April and May, with applicants receiving a free Value Creation Report. The diagnostic includes a Scaleup Scorecard which tells Founders where their company is at in terms of its maturity and ability to scale. It also includes the company persona and associated strengths and challenges. Successful applicants revisit the Value Creation Report diagnostic at the end of the 12 month programme to review their progression and growth.

“The problem for owners of smaller and earlier stage companies is that they are working so hard in their businesses, and juggling so many roles, that it’s hard to take time out to focus on scaling up in a sustainable and value-creating way,” said Piers Bearne, Founder & CEO of Collingwood Advisory. “Often we see Founders leaving money or market share on the table because of all the opportunities in front of them. For us, seeing how effective Crescent has been at turning the dial on growth and value for members is incredibly rewarding.”

You can find out more about Collingwood Advisory in our Publishing Services Directory.

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