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Crowdit app aims to transform London’s nightlife

Crowdit, a new global nightlife app that lets users discover what’s happening in the bars, pubs and clubs in their city, has launched in London.

It is set to transform London’s nightlife by offering real-time intelligence about the events and deals available in the user’s immediate location, encouraging them to explore their city on impulse, say the publishers.

Users of the Crowdit app can customise their night out based on their personal preferences, whether they’re looking for a pub where they can play pool, a bar with discounted cocktails or a club with their favourite DJ.

Users who download the app are either sent messages from their favourite nearby venues or can check the app’s map feature to see for themselves which nightspots are offering the best deals, or most appealing night out.

The company’s founder, Sam Amrani, believes it is the focus on spontaneity that makes Crowdit stand out against their competitors. “There are simply no other apps in our space that let users explore their city based on impulse.

“Crowdit lets people know what’s going on in their immediate location, at that specific time, making it the perfect tool for an unplanned night out. It allows them to find new venues and new drinks brands, rediscovering their city in a new way.”

Crowdit was recently sold to Amrani by Carlsberg, after it had become the biggest nightlife app in Scandinavia. The app quickly acquired 400,000 users over 18 months, scaling across Denmark into Sweden.

It was originally created as a means for Carlsberg to promote their products and drive footfall into their partner venues. Now, as an independent service, the app can provide users with a diverse variety of promotions and products by working with a range of brands and venues.

The app, which also allows users to create a route, connect with friends, or book a taxi with Uber, is available for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play store.