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Daily Star launches stunt asking the nation #PMforPM?

The Daily Star is launching a satirical campaign on the Houses of Parliament buildings to ask the nation whether they would really vote #PMFORPM?

Daily Star launches stunt asking the nation #PMforPM?
Jonathan Clark: “#PMFORPM? is the perfect antidote to the gloomy news agenda.”

The projected image features Piers Morgan in Union Jack underpants ahead of Valentine’s Day.

#PMFORPM? coincides with a week-long digital poll giving people the chance to show their love for TEAM PIERS or TEAM BOZO at The poll will be running across print and online editions.

The stunt is a collaboration between the editorial, communications, digital marketing and social media teams.

#PMFORPM? follows last week’s front cover when the paper asked the question: Would Piers Morgan be a better PM than the nation’s current PM.

According to the publishers, Piers Morgan leapt on the idea and published a 20-point manifesto. Odds of Piers Morgan becoming PM were slashed from 500/1 to just 20/1 in a single day and #PMFORPM trending on twitter.

So, the Daily Star team is putting the question to the whole country by asking #PMFORPM? And to help all those floating voters yet to decide it projected Piers on to the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday night to end the matter once and for all.

Commenting on the stunt Jonathan Clark, Daily Star Editor-in-Chief said, “#PMFORPM? is the perfect antidote to the gloomy news agenda. Our front page PM for PM? ignited the debate which simply won’t go away so we are now giving the nation the chance to vote for two marmite PMs so we can get closure this Valentine’s Day.”

Piers North, Chief Revenue Officer at Reach plc said, “#PMFORPM? is a great Daily Star stunt which infuses all channels with the brand’s trademark humour. Satire has been fuelling commercial interest in the title and it’s great to see someone with the name Piers creating conversation and engagement for the Daily Star.”

According to the latest Comscore data experienced growth of 70 per cent year on year (Comscore December 2020), say publishers Reach.

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