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News invests in Taboola has announced that it is investing $3m in discovery platform Taboola to develop next generation native advertising and content marketing offerings for its clients.

The announcement marks the launch of Taboola Native, which allows publishers to promote their own direct native offerings.

Jon Steinberg, CEO of Daily Mail North America said, "Taboola and Adam [Singolda] have been amazing partners for and Elite Daily in the U.S. We've already used their technology to optimise and deliver key native campaigns."

"We're very excited that has expanded their relationship with us, along with investing in Taboola," added Adam Singolda, founder and CEO of Taboola. "Taboola Native opens up a new opportunity for publishers to more easily present content that is engaging and integrated into their site." is also developing its own products that leverage Taboola's algorithms across device platforms and content types.

"Mobile is where the growth is. Video and content is where we currently see advertiser demand outstripping supply," Mr. Steinberg said.

Adam Singolda continued, "We're doubling down on innovation around native advertising with because they have one of the most engaged audiences on the web that consume more than 10 articles per visit."