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Dennis Publishing launches Personal Trainer magazine

The team behind Men’s Fitness magazine has launched Personal Trainer, a new workout title aimed at men who want simple yet innovative training plans that will help them “pack on muscle and torch fat in the shortest amount of time possible”.

“The fitness magazine marketplace is full of titles that make grand claims about how they can help you lose half your bodyweight in the space of one lunch break or give you training plans that are so complicated or confusing that you give up using them after one workout,” says Men’s Fitness editor Nick Hutchings.

“At Men’s Fitness we see it as our mission to give you innovative, no-nonsense workouts and advice that help you achieve your aims – and they should be easy to understand and to put into practice.”

“But we also recognise that some men just want a straight-talking workout manual that shows them how to train without detouring into gear and lifestyle advice – and that’s why we launched Personal Trainer.”

According to Dennis, the 100-page first issue is broken down into four distinct sections. Frame is aimed at the man with limited time and contains workouts that target every major muscle group in a single session. Focus uses tried-and-tested bodybuilding protocols to build muscle in specific areas. Torch features a selection of quick, high-intensity fat loss workouts that can be tagged on to any training regime. Finally, Aim gives readers groundbreaking workouts from some of the world’s leading coaches that have pushed pro athletes to elite levels in their sports.

Russell Blackman, publisher of Personal Trainer, says, “Personal Trainer cuts through the language and equipment barriers put up by other magazines by putting the focus on the quality of workouts rather than the gear you’re wearing or place you’re training in. If you’re a guy looking for carefully crafted, no-fuss training plans that will help you reach your fitness goals as quickly and effectively as possible, this is just the tonic.”

Personal Trainer magazine is on sale now, priced at £4.99.