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Diet Coke partners with IPC to launch fashion site

Diet Coke is taking further steps into the fashion world with the launch of a new online creative platform in partnership with IPC Media.

The new Style It Light site goes live in March with a dedicated editorial team providing style loving girls with a daily fix of fashion, beauty and fabulousness.

The Style It Light site will contain unique content offering users access to light-hearted fashion editorial and inspiration. It also brings together popular fashion content from IPC titles Maire Claire, Look and InStyle in one easily accessible place, and showcases the best style news on the web covering the catwalk to the high street.

The creative platform further builds on the Diet Coke ‘Love It Light’ ethos, with a light-hearted approach designed to give the target audience of 17–29 year olds their daily fashion news with a smile. The Style It Light website will be updated daily with numerous editorial articles as well as video content. Users will also have the chance to win money can’t buy prizes and subscribe to mobile alerts.

Zoe Howorth, Market Activation Director for Coca-Cola Great Britain comments: “We are delighted to introduce the new Style It Light platform in partnership with IPC, designed to excite and reward our key Diet Coke audience of style loving girls. Fashion is at the heart of our ‘Love It Light’ campaign and the new site will bring consumers a daily fix of style content, sprinkled with some Diet Coke fashion fizz.”

Andrew Sanders, digital business director at IPC, added: “Marie Claire, InStyle and Look have incredible fashion know-how, and with Style it Light we’ve harnessed this authority to provide the Diet Coke audience with a must-visit digital destination.”

IPC will promote Style it Light across Marie Claire, InStyle and Look, as well as throughout its wider network of women’s brands.”