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Digital Magazine Awards 2015 - Winners Announced

The international Digital Magazine Awards, in association with Edition Digital, announced the winners of the 2015 competition at a showcase event held at Proud Camden in London on Wednesday, 11th November.

Bruce Hudson, Digital Magazine Awards' Chairman said: “Congratulations to all the Digital Magazine Awards 2015 winners. The digital magazine sector is a vibrant and burgeoning industry and the global reach and exceptional innovation and creativity of our finalists and winners accurately represents the best of the best from our sector."

With entries spanning over 30 countries, say the organizers, and from hundreds of nominations, the 2015 winners are:

* Digital Magazine of the Year: WIRED UK

* Innovation of the Year: Economist Espresso

* Magazine Cover of the Year: WIRED UK

* Magazine Launch of the Year (New Format): Qantas

* Magazine Launch of the Year (New Title): Alpha Man

* Customer Magazine of the Year: Qantas

* Film & Entertainment Magazine of the Year: Everyman Digital Programme

* Fashion Magazine of the Year: The EDIT by NET-A-PORTER

* Food and Drink Magazine of the Year: Jamie Magazine

* Men’s Lifestyle Magazine of the Year: British GQ

* Women’s Lifestyle Magazine of the Year: Stylist UK

* Magazine Advertisement of the Year: Fendi Game Campaign - Harrods Ltd

* Magazine Website of the Year: The New Yorker

* Motoring Magazine of the Year: Top Gear

* News and Business Magazine of the Year: The New Yorker

* Science and Nature Magazine of the Year: First Light

* Specialist Magazine of the Year: Edge

* Sport & Fitness Magazine of the Year: MARCA Plus

* Technology Magazine of the Year: WIRED UK

* Travel Magazine of the Year: Qantas

* Art and Design Magazine of the Year: Computer Arts

* Editor of the Year: Angel Anaya and Laura Blanco – Vis-à-Vis

* Designer of the Year: Owen Norris – Top Gear

* Publisher/Manager of the Year: Juergen Paul – uncube magazine

For a full list of winners, highly commendeds and judges’ quotes click here.

Click here to view images of the Summit and the Awards.