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DMD Australia opens for business

New markets are opening up for DMD as the company begins direct provision of onboard and premium lounge services to airlines at airports across Australia and New Zealand.

Early clients of the newly-opened DMD Australia operation in Sydney include Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines and Delta. DMD’s growing portfolio of airports served includes Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Cairns, Canberra and Auckland – where the company provides Qatar Airways with onboard media for the world’s longest non-stop scheduled flight between New Zealand and Doha.

“Sydney represents a very significant expansion for us”, says DMD Inflight Director Phil White. “It resources us to deliver a truly global media service to major clients in Asia-Pacific and beyond, and gives us a base to build some really exciting new publisher relationships with big regional players like News Corp and Fairfax – on both the print and digital sides of the business.”