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DMGT goes green

This week marks DMGT Green Week – a week of activities that encourage staff to be more environmentally conscious – which is being run for the second year.

Employees and businesses from across DMGT are participating in Green Week to put the spotlight on green initiatives and in particular recycling. The initiative will also help with DMGT's public commitment to reduce its carbon footprint by 10% by September 2015, say the publishers.

We are focusing on recycling and DMGT CR Champions will be organising their own local-level initiatives. Initiatives this week include:

* DMGT HQ – will be recycling old work clothes, trainers and office materials for charity. They will also be running a blood donation drive to encourage the ultimate recycle for Green Week.

* RMS – will be running a full programme of activities in their offices worldwide to mark the event.

* dmg information – at their UK property information business, Landmark, they will be focusing on upcycling and 'Turning Waste into Wonder'.

* dmg events – in their digital marketing events business, iMedia, based in LA they will be helping out a local shelter by recycling items donated by their staff and giving them to the shelter who need them more.

* Euromoney – have turned their London office green by promoting the event and planning a number of activities to encourage recycling.

* dmg media – will be encouraging employees to use the many recycling stations around it's Kensington office by creating a special communications campaign to sign post these.

We will be sharing more details about what each DMGT business is doing for Green Week every day this week.

Keep up to date with the activity on the DMGT Flickr page here.