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Dominic Mohan named editor of The Sun

News International yesterday announced that Dominic Mohan has been appointed Editor of The Sun with effect 2 September 2009.

He replaces Rebekah Brooks who will assume her new role as Chief Executive Officer of News International having edited her final edition of The Sun on 1 September 2009.

Dominic Mohan, 40, has worked on The Sun for 13 years, most recently as Deputy Editor, a role that he has held since 2007. Prior to this, he spent three years as Associate Editor, Features, and previously, two years as Assistant Editor. He started his career at The Sun on its showbiz column, Bizarre, in 1996 which he edited from 1998 for five years before writing a weekly opinion column. He joined The Sun from the News of the World where he was a reporter.

James Murdoch, Chairman and Chief Executive, Europe and Asia, News Corporation, said: “Dominic has proved himself a very capable deputy to Rebekah, sharing her passion for campaigning journalism on the issues that connect with the country. Under Rebekah’s leadership, The Sun has gone from strength to strength, cementing its position as the most popular UK newspaper by taking share from rivals. I am very pleased to announce Dominic’s promotion and look forward to seeing him build on that success.”

Rebekah Brooks said: “Dominic has been an outstanding leader at the paper, supporting me with energy and enthusiasm. He has an unrivalled understanding of what makes the paper tick and a real grasp of what makes a great Sun headline. I am delighted to be handing the reins over to such a talented successor. I look forward to continuing to work with him in my new role.”

Dominic said: “I believe The Sun is the best paper on the planet. It is a privilege to take over as editor and I cannot wait to get started.”

About News International

NI says: “News International Limited publishes The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun and News of the World. In terms of growth, share, circulation and reader engagement, the Company’s titles are among the world’s most successful. NewsPrinters Ltd prints the national titles and operates as a contract printing subsidiary for the three state of the art printing plants. Further brands which are part of the group include the Times Literary Supplement and The News International group has investments in property search-engine and fashion website

In 2007, News International Ltd became the UK’s first carbon neutral newspaper publisher. This was achieved by increasing energy efficiency, switching to renewable energy and combined heat and power and purchasing high quality offsets.

The Sun is the UK’s favourite daily newspaper and had a circulation of 3.12m copies in July 2009. The Sun has grown its share of the daily tabloid market in the last year and outsells the combined sale the Daily Mirror, Daily Star and Daily Express. The Sun has 7.8m readers, representing 41% of the daily tabloid market.”