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Dubsat acquires FastChannel

Dubsat has acquired the FastChannel business from Extreme Reach as part of its continuing expansion into North America.

Dubsat Global CEO Grant Schuetrumpf said, “Dubsat’s Adsend and Extreme Reach’s FastChannel are two of the leading and most recognized press display advertising management and distribution services available in North America today. As the magazine and newspaper markets continue to become ever more driven by digital automation and its efficiencies, this acquisition solidifies Adsend’s position as the premier software solutions provider to the market. Advertisers and publishers connect with Adsend to streamline their advertising creation, quality control, order fulfillment and ad placement reconciliation across the supply chain.”

Existing FastChannel customers will be transferred over to Dubsat’s Adsend services, with full account support and training provided to ensure a smooth and organised transition.

In 2009, Dubsat acquired Adsend, and has since transformed it into a global cloud-based self-service platform, offering enhanced features such as preflighting and optimization, color management and correction, soft proofing, XML based workflow automation, media schedule integration and live tracking of every ad delivery.

Extreme Reach CEO John Roland said, “Dubsat’s acquisition makes sense for both companies and for the market whilst allowing Extreme Reach to remain focused on leading the convergence of TV and Digital video advertising.”