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Easyfairs acquires Tank Storage Magazine

Easyfairs has acquired Tank Storage Magazine – a leading publication for the tank storage industry. The development is part of the company’s strategy to strengthen its support of the markets within which it operates.

“Easyfairs is now so much more than a trade show organiser. Our vision is to provide a 360 degree reference source for the key markets that we serve,” said Matt Benyon, Managing Director, Easyfairs UK & Global.

“We are focused on ultra-niche industries and we want to work as deeply as possible within them, supporting all their marketing and information needs.

“Sectors today aren’t simply made up of buyers and sellers. They are communities where people network, ideas are exchanged, deals are struck and of course sales are made. We are committed to supporting these communities with all of these interactions – wherever and whenever they need to happen.”

According to Easyfairs, Tank Storage Magazine is the world’s leading publication for the tank storage market. It covers breaking news, market analysis, policy and regulations affecting the industry as well as new products and equipment. It is the only magazine in the sector which is BPA audited. The print edition is sent to influential readers in 80 countries globally including Oiltanking, Peter Cremer, BP, Morgan Stanley, Flint Hill Resources, Macquarie and Rubis.

This makes it a perfect fit for Easyfairs, which delivers the world’s largest portfolio of tank storage events. These take place in the key bulk liquid storage hubs and strategic ports of Abu Dhabi, Antwerp, Singapore, Hamburg and Rotterdam and include the highly successful StocExpo, which the company acquired in 2011.

Mr Benyon added: “When we bought StocExpo it was always part of the strategy to acquire the magazine when the moment was right. So we’re thrilled to be able to announce this development.

“Tank Storage Magazine is the most respected and influential publication in the sector so we’re absolutely delighted to have acquired it. It’s a very natural development and provides great continuity and more marketing opportunities for all those involved in the magazine or events.”

While the acquisition brings the magazine and tank storage portfolio of events under one roof - enabling the events’ teams and publishing team to work closely together – the magazine will retain its independence.

“The magazine is an absolute jewel in the tank storage sector crown and we plan to keep it that way,” added Mr Benyon.

“The editorial team will be left free to create the strong, independent magazine that the sector has come to rely on. Indeed, I’m delighted to confirm that both, Margaret Dunn, Tank Storage Magazine’s highly respected Managing Editor and David Kelly, its International Sales Manager will be coming to us as part of the acquisition. We have also recruited an Online & Content Editor, Jasmin McDermott, who has a wealth of experience in the digital sphere to drive development of the digital products in the portfolio and further strengthen the magazine.”

Mr Benyon also stressed that Easyfairs’ relationships with its key media partners involved in its portfolio of tank storage events will not be affected by this development:

“Equally on the show side, we work with a wide range of media for our tank storage events and that won’t change. We really value all of our media partners and are absolutely committed to ensuring our portfolio of events work for them all.”